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Focused and efficient
General fitness
My clients and my life experiences have shaped my health perspective lens and my 25 year coaching practice. Seeing and experiencing firsthand the various changes of life, the progress of injury recovery and all the challenges that one can encounter has allowed me to see what can be accomplished when we stretch past the limitations of what we believe our limits to be. Health and wellness grow the deepest and strongest roots when they’re no longer confined as potted plants.
Focused and efficient
General fitness
I'm big on creating a safe environment and an experience that is catered to the individual I'm working with. My clients can expect a focused and thoughtful program, which is ever evolving as I learn more about them and as they progress.
After an active childhood playing a variety of sports, and becoming a professional natural bodybuilder as an adult, I suffered serious injuries from a car accident. In the pursuit of recovery I've learned so much on injury rehab/prehab/management and can now offer this skillset to my clients at a high level. My life goal is to make a positive impact and improve the health of as many people as possible.
Cardiovascular training
Focused and efficient
I'm skilled at working with all types of people looking to turn their fitness goals into a lifestyle, My style is both focused and empathetic, making me particularly effective in helping clients achieve more than they ever thought possible. I use a range of tools to effect these outcomes with a particular emphasis in kettlebell training.
My clientele ranges from those focused on pre/post natal training to busy professionals looking to enhance their wellness from a 360° lens including building their confidence, strength and stress management.
Focused and efficient
General fitness
My clients and my life experiences have shaped my health perspective lens and my 25 year coaching practice. Seeing and experiencing firsthand the various changes of life, the progress of injury recovery and all the challenges that one can encounter has allowed me to see what can be accomplished when we stretch past the limitations of what we believe our limits to be. Health and wellness grow the deepest and strongest roots when they’re no longer confined as potted plants.
Focused and efficient
General fitness
I'm big on creating a safe environment and an experience that is catered to the individual I'm working with. My clients can expect a focused and thoughtful program, which is ever evolving as I learn more about them and as they progress.
After an active childhood playing a variety of sports, and becoming a professional natural bodybuilder as an adult, I suffered serious injuries from a car accident. In the pursuit of recovery I've learned so much on injury rehab/prehab/management and can now offer this skillset to my clients at a high level. My life goal is to make a positive impact and improve the health of as many people as possible.
Cardiovascular training
Focused and efficient
I'm skilled at working with all types of people looking to turn their fitness goals into a lifestyle, My style is both focused and empathetic, making me particularly effective in helping clients achieve more than they ever thought possible. I use a range of tools to effect these outcomes with a particular emphasis in kettlebell training.
My clientele ranges from those focused on pre/post natal training to busy professionals looking to enhance their wellness from a 360° lens including building their confidence, strength and stress management.
It’s simple to get started. You’ll answer a few questions and we’ll pick a time to train that works for you.
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